
Could your school get involved in the NHS Young People’s Health Challenge?

Date: 30 Aug 2024

NHS England and Barnardo’s have co-designed an exciting new initiative for young people aged 7-14.

The team is interested in connecting with the PSHE leads in Swindon to support delivery in their schools. We have done this previously in the pilot, but we are also creating some specific guidance for PSHE lessons.

Developed and piloted last year with over 500 children and young people, the NHS Young People’s Health Challenge comprises 63 engaging activities over three toolkits arranged around seven key themes:

The toolkits can be used in various settings including primary and secondary schools. By taking part in these challenges, young people will: 

Visit the Young People's Health Challenge Website to get more information about the programme

If you have any questions, or wish to connect with the team involved in supporting the programme please email