Free Health Protection webinars and resources
Date: 16 Sep 2023
Here are some useful updates and resources relating to Health Protection. Please could you forward these on to relevant colleagues? We would particularly recommend attendance at the UKHSA webinars (see third bullet point).
- The ‘spotty book’ has now been replaced by national guidance Managing specific infectious diseases: A to Z - GOV.UK ( – this useful A-Z provides advice on how settings can manage specific infectious diseases by themselves, and also indicates when you should contact the SW Health Protection Team (SWHPT). Most infections can be safely and effective managed by setting themselves so we highly recommend that you refer to this guidance before contacting the SWHPT.
- We recognise that the national guidance doesn’t have everything that the old spotty book had, so the SW Health Protection Team has partnered with SW Councils to provide regional health protection resources - including a recording of the popular ‘health protection webinar’ that we run each half term, as well as posters, leaflets and a range of other resources on topics including Group A Strep, norovirus and respiratory infections. Take a look here UKHSA Infection Protection and Winter Readiness and Control Toolkit for Early Years and Education Settings - South West Councils (
- The SW Health Protection Team will continue to run free Health Protection webinars aimed at providing early years and education colleagues with information about how to prevent and manage seasonal cases and outbreaks. The next sessions will run on 21 September 4-5pm and 16 November 4-5pm. You can book your place here