Staff Training

Free PSHE and RSHE training webinars are available at Chameleon PDE

Topics include:

  • Leading PSHE / PD in secondary schools (introductory)

  • Primary PSHE/ HWB Subject Leadership - effective and impactful strategies

  • Tackling the influence of online misogynists - Secondary Schools 

  • Effective assessment in PSHE - Secondary Schools

Jigsaw also provide free webinars:

Topics include:

  • Statutory RSHE requirements including LGBT+ relationships.
  • Update your PSHE/RSHE policy in 30 minutes.
  • When and how do we teach human reproduction, and what about IVF, same-sex parents, ...?
  • How do we approach relationships and gender identity in Secondary PSHE?
  • RSHE overview for Governors - what do you need to know and what might Ofsted ask you?   
  • How do we approach gender identity in primary PSHE?
  • Managing difficult and unexpected questions in RSHE 

Charlie Waller Memorial Trust provides free training on a whole school approach to mental health: Free mental Health Training.

Anna Freud provides free online training on anti-racism and mental health in schools. Black and racially minoritised young people can experience racism in many areas of their lives - including at school. Experiencing racism can have significant mental health consequences for young people.. Staff will learn practical strategies for tackling racism in schools, and how to introduce a whole-school approach to anti-racism and mental health.