DfE - Senior Mental Health Lead Training - BSW

The majority of schools in Swindon have a named Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) who has been trained from 2021 - 2023. Senior Mental Health Leads are now invited to join the BSW Senior Mental Health Network. This is an important opportunity for Senior Mental Health Leads to ask questions, share good practice and hear the latest local and national updates. The focus is on implementing a whole school and college approach to mental health. Further information about this can be accessed via The Wiltshire Healthy Schools website: DfE Senior Mental Health Lead Training BSW: Wiltshire Healthy Schools

BSW Senior Mental Health Leads training resources can be accessed via The Wiltshire Healthy Schools website: BSW SMHL training: Wiltshire Healthy Schools

Local contacts

  • Swindon: Caroline McAleese (Public Health Specialist: School Aged Children & Young People, Swindon Borough Council) CMcAleese@swindon.gov.uk  

Further information from DfE